Spanish Program Hotels In Costa Rica

There are 4 or 5 hotels in Heredia that our students have used.  Their rates run from about $45 a night in the Hotel America to about $50 a night in the Apartotel Roma  and Apartotel Vargas which have kitchenettes.  The best one, The Valladolid,  is at about $85 a night and there are a couple of others at about $25-$30 a night  such as Hotel Ceos, Hotel Heredia and Hotel Las Flores. Prices are subject to change.
There are several student residences at about $15 also.
The Villas Roma are $100+ a night and we have had a number of families and students stay there and they have recommended it highly.
They have a website for their hotel in Heredia but it doesn't have information about the villas.  You can contact them for information about the villas.
A limited number of furnished houses and apartments are offered to IPED by their owners and you can write us to see if there is availability during your trip here.