Senior Spanish Language Programs

For many years IPED has been teaching Spanish to older adults, some all the way into their early eighties. Many are motivated by living in or visiting a new culture and speaking and participating in a new language. Others want to communicate at home with the people around them that don't speak English.
What they all have in common is an interest in living and learning to keep the body and brain young and active. IPED's program for older adults is fun, interactive and paced so it is easy to keep up with the class.
You can choose one on one classes or study with others in a group in the colonial town of Heredia or at the beach in Puerto Viejo.
 Cultural activities include a tour of Heredia, the central market, cooking and dance classes (free). Optional activities include the Coffee Tour, museums and galleries and tours around the country to see its beaches, volcanoes and rain forests.
The owners David and Zaida will assist you in any arrangements if you are planning to retire in Costa Rica and will help you with rentals, lawyers, paper work etc necessary to make your transition easier.